Friday, September 20, 2013

Prehistoric Sea Monster the Size of a Bus Found


A new species of prehistoric Sea Monster found in Nevada...
 Thalattoarchon saurophagis meaning "lizard-eating sovereign of the sea", was at least 28 feet (8.6 meters) long and lived about 244 million years ago during the Triassic Period. 
To read Article click here...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Large Dead Zone Forming in the Gulf

Experts predicted a large "dead zone" forming in the Gulf of Mexico earlier year.  According to a Texas A&M University researcher who has been  studying the Gulf. It seems those predictions are right. 

To Read the Article Click Here... 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

First Global Atlas of Marine Plankton Reveals Remarkable Underwater World

A Global Atlas was recently published in the Earth System Science Data journal. The atlas is called Marine Ecosystem Biomass Data (MAREDAT). The atlas is the first of its kind cataloging marine
bacteria from plankton to jellyfish. It is the first step towards researchers and scientists haveing a complete marine biota inventory. Makeing it easier for scientists to conserve and monitor the ocean's biodiversity.

To Read the Article Click Here... 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

South California Beach Crustacean Suffering Localized Extinctions

Localized Extinction is wiping out two of the roly-poly's beach cousins, in Southern CA at a dangerous rate. Scientists believe it is due to drastic changes in the climate, over development, and rising sea levels.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Stop Marine Pollution Save Kelp Forests

Marine biologists from the University of Adelaide have discovered that by reducing the nutrient pollution of the coastal marine environments could help protect kelp forests from the harmful effects of increasing CO2. The combined effects of CO2 and nutrients on kelp forests could have horrible impact on Australia's marine ecosystems.

Further Protection for Antarctica

The United States and New Zealand are proposing that two areas of ocean are set aside as marine reserves. It is currently being discussed at the meeting for the Conservation of Antarctica Marine Living Resources in Bermerhaven, Germany. The proposal would set aside 600,000 miles around the Ross Sea, and 733,000 miles off the East cost of Antarctica.